Cynthia Turnquest-Jones


Exclusive articles:

Let Girls Learn Day 2018

Girls and Mothers from Westchester, Long Island, Brooklyn, Long Island, and Hudson Valley joined at Mt. Vernon Public Library Let Girls Learn Day with...

The Dash of Byron Womack

The lines on Leicester Street in Port Chester, New York were lengthy, as the rain and sleet did not suppress. Yet weather this did...

Danielle Henry – The Power of Serving

Danielle Henry from Orange County was a part of The Women's March of 2017, except she is more than the average advocate for women's...

The Double-Edged Sword Society

From the torn heart of a man. I was asked to read a piece titled "The Double-Edged Sword Society" by a friend of mine....

A Father Perspective on Police Terrorism Against Children of Colour: Aberrations or Everyday Occurrences?

The left forum conference 2016! The conference has steadily grown over the years. There is a full room waiting to hear "A Father Perspective...


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