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Jewish Voters Surge while Black Leadership Remains Silent and Turnout Plummets


Recent elections in New York’s Westchester County have highlighted a stark contrast in voter engagement: while Black communities see alarmingly low turnout, other groups are ramping up their political participation. This disparity could have far-reaching consequences for Black political power and representation across local, state, and federal levels.

The Teach NY Coalition, which successfully mobilized Jewish voters in the recent Bowman-Latimer congressional race, now aims to expand its influence. Maury Litwack, head of the coalition, stated, “We want people to turn out so our issues are not ignored. A bigger Jewish turnout could tremendously impact New York City elections.” The group’s analysis claimed Jewish voter turnout surpassed 60% in the 16th House District primary, compared to 27% for non-Jewish voters.

This mobilization stands in sharp contrast to the turnout in predominantly Black areas like Mount Vernon, where only 6,000 out of 30,000 registered Democrats voted in a recent election. This disparity in civic engagement could lead to significant shifts in political influence.

At the local level, Westchester County faces the immediate risk of underrepresentation for Black communities. With fewer Black voters at the polls, the likelihood of electing officials who genuinely understand and prioritize the needs of Black communities diminishes. This could lead to policies overlooking crucial education, housing, and community development issues.

In the recent Latimer-Bowman congressional race, a troubling dynamic emerged that highlights the crisis in Black political engagement. During a debate, Latimer accused Bowman of prioritizing Black and Brown people in his district – a clear dog whistle to his racist white supporters. What’s most alarming, however, is the Black community’s response—rather than galvanizing around Bowman, Black leaders and voters remained largely silent and disengaged. Even worse, some Black leaders foolishly supported Latimer as if he were a white savior, choosing him over a Black candidate.

Consider the tragic irony of the Latimer-Bowman race: Latimer openly criticized Bowman for championing Black community needs – fighting for equity in education, housing, youth programs, and police accountability. Yet, in an astonishing act of self-defeat, the Black community failed to unite behind Bowman. Worse still, some Black leaders actively threw their support to his opponent.

The silence was deafening and widespread. Black leadership remained mute. Black organizations stayed on the sidelines. Black pastors, once vocal advocates for civil rights, were conspicuously quiet. Even the Black Democrats, who should have rallied around one of their own, chose silence over support.

This goes beyond mere irony, representing a devastating breakdown in political consciousness. Bowman stood tall as a champion for his community, only to find himself deserted by the very people he had dedicated himself to uplifting. This abandonment exposes a critical fault line in Westchester’s Black political engagement and unity.

This desertion, coupled with certain Black leaders’ misguided support of Latimer, reveals a crisis in Black political consciousness. It’s not just a disconnect; it’s a dangerous rupture between Black representation and voter engagement. This debacle serves as a scathing indictment of the state of Black political power in Westchester, laying bare the community’s vulnerability to manipulation and its struggle to recognize and support its own interests.

The impact extends beyond county lines. In Albany, reduced Black voter engagement could mean fewer Black voices in the state legislature, potentially sidelining issues vital to Black New Yorkers. On the federal stage, lower Black turnout could mean losing champions for civil rights, economic opportunity, and social justice at the national level.

Meanwhile, groups like the Teach NY Coalition are expanding their political influence. Maury Litwack, who leads the coalition, has detailed a strategic plan to engage a powerful voting bloc. Their approach targets parents of yeshiva students and aims to mobilize hundreds of synagogues across New York City. This coordinated effort starkly contrasts the lack of similar activism within Black communities in Westchester County. Black organizations and pastors, once at the forefront of voter mobilization during the Civil Rights era, have failed to maintain this level of engagement. The absence of such organized, community-wide voter outreach efforts among Black residents is particularly glaring compared to the Teach NY Coalition’s focused and ambitious strategy.

This growing disparity in political engagement could affect everything from criminal justice reform to efforts addressing systemic racism and economic inequity. Government resources and attention might disproportionately flow to communities with higher voter turnout, potentially exacerbating existing disparities.

Moreover, politicians and parties might become less responsive to Black concerns if they perceive the Black vote as unreliable. This could lead to fewer Black appointments to key government positions, diminishing representation in critical decision-making processes.

The recent elections have also exposed a critical failure within Black leadership structures. Despite the opportunity to re-elect the district’s first Black congressman and the county’s first Black District Attorney, there was a noticeable lack of mobilization from traditional community leaders and pastors. This absence of unified support and get-out-the-vote efforts from key figures in the Black community likely contributed to the low turnout.

The recent elections have laid bare a profound failure within Black leadership structures and organizations. As highlighted in earlier discussions, Black churches and community leaders abdicated their historical role as cornerstones of voter mobilization. This wasn’t merely an oversight but a critical political error with far-reaching consequences.

Blinded by short-term gains and personal alliances, Black organizations failed to grasp the bigger picture. Their inability or unwillingness to leverage established networks and influential voices has created a cavernous void in Black political engagement. This failure extends beyond a single election; it represents a broader abdication of responsibility to the community. It almost seems like we would rather rely on handouts – begging white politicians for grants, funds, and hollow promises of equity, fairness, and justice, instead of electing someone who was born out of the struggle of being black and the Black experience.

The catastrophic failure of Black leadership to mount a cohesive, powerful voting bloc isn’t just a temporary setback – it’s a potential death knell for meaningful Black and Brown representation at every level of government. While we flounder in disunity, groups like the Teach NY Coalition provide a masterclass in political mobilization, wielding their community’s votes like a precision weapon. Let’s be crystal clear: this isn’t about begrudging their success. They’ve got no qualms about being unapologetically pro-Israel while we tie ourselves in knots trying to avoid being labeled “too pro-Black.” This paralysis is political suicide. Every election where we fail to show up en masse pushes us further to the margins, ceding ground to those who’ll gleefully craft policies that ignore or actively harm our communities.

The success of organizations like Teach NY in mobilizing their communities highlights a troubling reality: they may have found a “secret sauce” for political influence. By keeping Black communities divided and voter turnout low, these groups can effectively amplify their political voice while diminishing Black political power in Westchester.

This situation creates a self-reinforcing cycle. Low turnout leads to reduced representation and policies not addressing community needs, discouraging political participation. Breaking this cycle will require a concerted effort from Black leaders, community organizations, and individual citizens to prioritize voter education and mobilization.

The message from these recent elections is clear: without a unified, energized voting bloc, Black communities risk losing their seat at the table where crucial decisions are made. The failure to rally around potentially historic candidacies serves as a wake-up call for the urgent need to revitalize Black political engagement.

The Black community faces a critical juncture as other groups organize and mobilize effectively. It must choose between renewed commitment to civic participation and risking further erosion of political influence. The actions taken now by community leaders, pastors, and grassroots organizations will shape the landscape of Black political power for generations to come.

DAMON K JONEShttps://damonkjones.com
A multifaceted personality, Damon is an activist, author, and the force behind Black Westchester Magazine, a notable Black-owned newspaper based in Westchester County, New York. With a wide array of expertise, he wears many hats, including that of a Spiritual Life Coach, Couples and Family Therapy Coach, and Holistic Health Practitioner. He is well-versed in Mental Health First Aid, Dietary and Nutritional Counseling, and has significant insights as a Vegan and Vegetarian Nutrition Life Coach. Not just limited to the world of holistic health and activism, Damon brings with him a rich 32-year experience as a Law Enforcement Practitioner and stands as the New York Representative of Blacks in Law Enforcement of America.


  1. […] The Black community faces a critical juncture as other groups organize and mobilize effectively. It must choose between renewed commitment to civic participation and risking further erosion of political influence. The actions taken now by community leaders, pastors, and grassroots organizations will shape the landscape of Black political power for generations to come. Source: Black Westchester […]

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Black 2 Business

Recent elections in New York’s Westchester County have highlighted a stark contrast in voter engagement: while Black communities see alarmingly low turnout, other groups are ramping up their political participation. This disparity could have far-reaching consequences for Black political power and representation across local, state, and federal levels.

The Teach NY Coalition, which successfully mobilized Jewish voters in the recent Bowman-Latimer congressional race, now aims to expand its influence. Maury Litwack, head of the coalition, stated, “We want people to turn out so our issues are not ignored. A bigger Jewish turnout could tremendously impact New York City elections.” The group’s analysis claimed Jewish voter turnout surpassed 60% in the 16th House District primary, compared to 27% for non-Jewish voters.

This mobilization stands in sharp contrast to the turnout in predominantly Black areas like Mount Vernon, where only 6,000 out of 30,000 registered Democrats voted in a recent election. This disparity in civic engagement could lead to significant shifts in political influence.

At the local level, Westchester County faces the immediate risk of underrepresentation for Black communities. With fewer Black voters at the polls, the likelihood of electing officials who genuinely understand and prioritize the needs of Black communities diminishes. This could lead to policies overlooking crucial education, housing, and community development issues.

In the recent Latimer-Bowman congressional race, a troubling dynamic emerged that highlights the crisis in Black political engagement. During a debate, Latimer accused Bowman of prioritizing Black and Brown people in his district – a clear dog whistle to his racist white supporters. What’s most alarming, however, is the Black community’s response—rather than galvanizing around Bowman, Black leaders and voters remained largely silent and disengaged. Even worse, some Black leaders foolishly supported Latimer as if he were a white savior, choosing him over a Black candidate.

Consider the tragic irony of the Latimer-Bowman race: Latimer openly criticized Bowman for championing Black community needs – fighting for equity in education, housing, youth programs, and police accountability. Yet, in an astonishing act of self-defeat, the Black community failed to unite behind Bowman. Worse still, some Black leaders actively threw their support to his opponent.

The silence was deafening and widespread. Black leadership remained mute. Black organizations stayed on the sidelines. Black pastors, once vocal advocates for civil rights, were conspicuously quiet. Even the Black Democrats, who should have rallied around one of their own, chose silence over support.

This goes beyond mere irony, representing a devastating breakdown in political consciousness. Bowman stood tall as a champion for his community, only to find himself deserted by the very people he had dedicated himself to uplifting. This abandonment exposes a critical fault line in Westchester’s Black political engagement and unity.

This desertion, coupled with certain Black leaders’ misguided support of Latimer, reveals a crisis in Black political consciousness. It’s not just a disconnect; it’s a dangerous rupture between Black representation and voter engagement. This debacle serves as a scathing indictment of the state of Black political power in Westchester, laying bare the community’s vulnerability to manipulation and its struggle to recognize and support its own interests.

The impact extends beyond county lines. In Albany, reduced Black voter engagement could mean fewer Black voices in the state legislature, potentially sidelining issues vital to Black New Yorkers. On the federal stage, lower Black turnout could mean losing champions for civil rights, economic opportunity, and social justice at the national level.

Meanwhile, groups like the Teach NY Coalition are expanding their political influence. Maury Litwack, who leads the coalition, has detailed a strategic plan to engage a powerful voting bloc. Their approach targets parents of yeshiva students and aims to mobilize hundreds of synagogues across New York City. This coordinated effort starkly contrasts the lack of similar activism within Black communities in Westchester County. Black organizations and pastors, once at the forefront of voter mobilization during the Civil Rights era, have failed to maintain this level of engagement. The absence of such organized, community-wide voter outreach efforts among Black residents is particularly glaring compared to the Teach NY Coalition’s focused and ambitious strategy.

This growing disparity in political engagement could affect everything from criminal justice reform to efforts addressing systemic racism and economic inequity. Government resources and attention might disproportionately flow to communities with higher voter turnout, potentially exacerbating existing disparities.

Moreover, politicians and parties might become less responsive to Black concerns if they perceive the Black vote as unreliable. This could lead to fewer Black appointments to key government positions, diminishing representation in critical decision-making processes.

The recent elections have also exposed a critical failure within Black leadership structures. Despite the opportunity to re-elect the district’s first Black congressman and the county’s first Black District Attorney, there was a noticeable lack of mobilization from traditional community leaders and pastors. This absence of unified support and get-out-the-vote efforts from key figures in the Black community likely contributed to the low turnout.

The recent elections have laid bare a profound failure within Black leadership structures and organizations. As highlighted in earlier discussions, Black churches and community leaders abdicated their historical role as cornerstones of voter mobilization. This wasn’t merely an oversight but a critical political error with far-reaching consequences.

Blinded by short-term gains and personal alliances, Black organizations failed to grasp the bigger picture. Their inability or unwillingness to leverage established networks and influential voices has created a cavernous void in Black political engagement. This failure extends beyond a single election; it represents a broader abdication of responsibility to the community. It almost seems like we would rather rely on handouts – begging white politicians for grants, funds, and hollow promises of equity, fairness, and justice, instead of electing someone who was born out of the struggle of being black and the Black experience.

The catastrophic failure of Black leadership to mount a cohesive, powerful voting bloc isn’t just a temporary setback – it’s a potential death knell for meaningful Black and Brown representation at every level of government. While we flounder in disunity, groups like the Teach NY Coalition provide a masterclass in political mobilization, wielding their community’s votes like a precision weapon. Let’s be crystal clear: this isn’t about begrudging their success. They’ve got no qualms about being unapologetically pro-Israel while we tie ourselves in knots trying to avoid being labeled “too pro-Black.” This paralysis is political suicide. Every election where we fail to show up en masse pushes us further to the margins, ceding ground to those who’ll gleefully craft policies that ignore or actively harm our communities.

The success of organizations like Teach NY in mobilizing their communities highlights a troubling reality: they may have found a “secret sauce” for political influence. By keeping Black communities divided and voter turnout low, these groups can effectively amplify their political voice while diminishing Black political power in Westchester.

This situation creates a self-reinforcing cycle. Low turnout leads to reduced representation and policies not addressing community needs, discouraging political participation. Breaking this cycle will require a concerted effort from Black leaders, community organizations, and individual citizens to prioritize voter education and mobilization.

The message from these recent elections is clear: without a unified, energized voting bloc, Black communities risk losing their seat at the table where crucial decisions are made. The failure to rally around potentially historic candidacies serves as a wake-up call for the urgent need to revitalize Black political engagement.

The Black community faces a critical juncture as other groups organize and mobilize effectively. It must choose between renewed commitment to civic participation and risking further erosion of political influence. The actions taken now by community leaders, pastors, and grassroots organizations will shape the landscape of Black political power for generations to come.

DAMON K JONEShttps://damonkjones.com
A multifaceted personality, Damon is an activist, author, and the force behind Black Westchester Magazine, a notable Black-owned newspaper based in Westchester County, New York. With a wide array of expertise, he wears many hats, including that of a Spiritual Life Coach, Couples and Family Therapy Coach, and Holistic Health Practitioner. He is well-versed in Mental Health First Aid, Dietary and Nutritional Counseling, and has significant insights as a Vegan and Vegetarian Nutrition Life Coach. Not just limited to the world of holistic health and activism, Damon brings with him a rich 32-year experience as a Law Enforcement Practitioner and stands as the New York Representative of Blacks in Law Enforcement of America.


  1. […] The Black community faces a critical juncture as other groups organize and mobilize effectively. It must choose between renewed commitment to civic participation and risking further erosion of political influence. The actions taken now by community leaders, pastors, and grassroots organizations will shape the landscape of Black political power for generations to come. Source: Black Westchester […]

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