Welcome to our special Pre-Primary Edition May/June issue (where we cover the 2024 CD-16 Congressional primary. There has been a lot of misinformation given out during this race and in this issue part one or two Pre Primary Issues, we address the real George Latimer. From provable false statement made in the heat of the campaign to actions of George Latimer and his MAGA supporters.
Up to now Latimer has enjoyed the support of Black Westchester including endorsing him in his two elections for County Executive to covering many of his indicatives but we recognized the double standard in this election. Latimer tells you it doesn’t matter where his financial support comes from when questioned about AIPAC but wants you to pay attention to where Bowman’s funding comes from labeling him a Hamas supporter. Secondly he doesn’t condemn the action of AIPAC, The District PAC and Latimer’s his MAGA supporters. He is offended when other say what’s going on in Gaza is genocide and despises those who refer to him as Genocide George for not condemning Israel’s actions but calls Congressman Jamaal Bowman of supporting Hamas for calling for a cease-fire. You cannot have it both ways if if doesn’t matter where your campaigns support and criticize Bowman’s, if it doesn’t matter where your money comes from it shouldn’t matter where Bowman’s comes from and if it matters for Bowman than it matters for you. Also you can’t call out Bowman for actions of his supporters but refer to Black Westchester as political operatives for Bowman but criticizing you.
We address that and much more including letters from former supporters who are not feeling Latimer now and what they feel is selling out to AIPAC and MAGA donors.
This campaign has become a referendum on the Israel/Hamas conflict and comes down to Major MAGA Millions vs a Grassroot People Powered Movement. Black Westchester covers it all in our two part 2024 Pre Primary issues!
As always we would like to take this time to thank all the readers, listeners, supporters, sponsors, contributors, and advertisers for their support in our effort to deliver the “News With The Black Point Of View,” since 2014. We are always looking for writers, photographers and interns, email BlackWestchesterMag@gmail.com to inquire.
Send us your feedback, let us know what you think of this issue. Let us know subjects/topics you would like to see us cover in the future and send your letters to the editor to BlackWestchesterMag@gmail.com.

To check out the BW 2024 Special Pre-Primary issue part two, click here.