Manhattan Avenue Senior Apartments – Ribbon Cutting Ceremony


The Greenburgh Housing Authority dedicated a brand new 70-unit affordable housing development for senior citizens on Manhattan Ave, on Wednesday, April 3rd. The 38-million-dollar project replaced a 50-year-old senior apartment complex next to the Theodore Young Community Center.

This senior development is within walking distance to the Crossroads shopping center. How many other senior apartment complexes are next door to an indoor pool and center with indoor and outdoor activities for seniors to enjoy?

The Green­burgh Hous­ing Au­thor­i­ty’s new se­nior af­ford­able hous­ing com­plex built in part­ner­ship with Geor­gica Green Ven­tures, at 52 Man­hat­tan Av­enue, ad­ja­cent to the Theodore D. Young Com­mu­nity Cen­ter, is now leas­ing, with 44 one-bed­room apart­ments avail­able.

The units are all one-bed­rooms re­served for house­holds aged 62+ with in­comes at or be­low 30%-60% of the Westch­ester Area Me­dian In­come, with rents be­tween $597-$1,367 de­pend­ing on what AMI per­cent­age you fall in.

Ten­ant pays util­i­ties (ap­pli­ances and heat are all elec­tric), with trash and sewer in­cluded in rent.

An ap­pli­ca­tion and fur­ther in­for­ma­tion is at­tached. Ap­pli­ca­tions must be post­marked by April 9, 2023. A pub­lic lot­tery will be held on April 21 at noon at the GHA, 9 Maple Street, White Plains, NY.

The beau­ti­ful new af­ford­able hous­ing apart­ments on Man­hat­tan Ave will en­hance the qual­ity of life of se­nior cit­i­zens and in­crease the prop­erty value of the sur­round­ing com­mu­nity. Many se­niors have con­tacted me in re­cent months in­quir­ing how they can be con­sid­ered for this de­vel­op­ment which is within walk­ing dis­tance of shop­ping at Cross­roads shop­ping cen­ter, the Theodore Young Com­mu­nity Cen­ter, Route 119.

Ap­pli­ca­tion link must be postmarked by Tuesday, April 9th.

AJ Woodson
AJ Woodson
AJ Woodson is the Editor-In-Chief and co-owner of Black Westchester, Host & Producer of the People Before Politics Radio Show, An Author, Journalism Fellow (Craig Newmark Graduate School of Journalism), Rap Artist - one third of the legendary underground rap group JVC FORCE known for the single Strong Island, Radio Personality, Hip-Hop Historian, Documentarian, Activist, Criminal Justice Advocate and Freelance Journalist whose byline has appeared in several print publications and online sites including The Source, Vibe, the Village Voice, Upscale,,, Rolling Out Newspaper, Daily Challenge Newspaper, Spiritual Minded Magazine, Word Up! Magazine, On The Go Magazine and several others.

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