Black Westchester Publisher Damon K. Jones Fires Back at Accusations of Misogyny: Demands Proof or Apology from White Plains Democrat Chair, Tim James


Damon K. Jones, Publisher of Black Westchester, fearlessly confronts attempts to discredit him while speaking truth to power. Despite facing dismissal, discrediting, demonization, and false accusations, Jones remains steadfast in his commitment to truth-telling, speaking truth to power, and informing the people on how politics rule our everyday lives.

In a recent email exchange, Damon K. Jones, the Publisher of Black Westchester, found himself taken aback by accusations of misogyny levied against him by Tim James, the Democratic Chairman of the White Plains Democratic Party. Jones, known for his outspoken advocacy and dedication to his community, responded firmly to these allegations.

Jones began by extending a direct invitation to Tim James to appear on his show, expressing a desire to address the rumors circulating about him. “I’ve heard many rumors that you have been talking about me in email threads,” Jones stated. “So I’m personally inviting you to come on the show.”

Asserting his confusion over the accusations, Jones highlighted his longstanding commitment to women, emphasizing his loving relationships with his wife and granddaughters. “I’m loved by women all over for my character and integrity,” he declared. “You have the damn nerve to call me something and you don’t even know me.”

Challenging James to substantiate his claims, Jones demanded proof of any alleged misogynistic behavior. “If you’re going to make a statement like that, we’re demanding that you show proof of what it is that you say,” Jones asserted. “You better have the receipts.”

Furthermore, Jones pointedly addressed issues within the White Plains Democratic Party, questioning the lack of diversity in their political slate and referencing past controversies involving racial slurs. “Didn’t the White Plains Democratic Party run an all-white slate for the council last year?” Jones questioned. “And you got the nerve to call me a misogynist?”

Throughout his response, Jones emphasized his commitment to honesty and transparency, inviting James to engage in an open dialogue rather than resorting to anonymous accusations. “I invite you on the show so we can have an honest conversation,” Jones stated. “Say what you have to say to the person and not be sending blank emails out about them.”

Jones Views Accusations as Retaliation by Democratic Leaders: Attributes Criticism to Black Westchester’s Stand Against AIPAC and Corporate Funding in Latimer vs. Bowman Race, Asserts Party Influence by Groups Seeking to Suppress Minority Votes, Especially in Congressional District 16.

In closing, Jones made it clear that he would not tolerate baseless attacks on his character and reputation. “I’m waiting for the other emails because I just might sue them,” he warned. “I’m just waiting for the other emails, and I just might sue you for defamation.”

Damon K. Jones’s response highlights his steadfast dedication to integrity, accountability, and fair treatment, not only in his personal conduct but also in his expectations of others. As this exchange demonstrates, Jones remains committed to defending his reputation and standing up against unjust accusations.

A multifaceted personality, Damon is an activist, author, and the force behind Black Westchester Magazine, a notable Black-owned newspaper based in Westchester County, New York. With a wide array of expertise, he wears many hats, including that of a Spiritual Life Coach, Couples and Family Therapy Coach, and Holistic Health Practitioner. He is well-versed in Mental Health First Aid, Dietary and Nutritional Counseling, and has significant insights as a Vegan and Vegetarian Nutrition Life Coach. Not just limited to the world of holistic health and activism, Damon brings with him a rich 32-year experience as a Law Enforcement Practitioner and stands as the New York Representative of Blacks in Law Enforcement of America.

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