How Wealthy Special Interests AIPAC Control Politics with GOP Blood Money: A Detriment to Westchester Residents


In the current campaign funding landscape, wealthy special interests such as GOP-funded AIPAC wield significant influence, often setting the political agenda to the detriment of regular Westchester residents. These organizations primarily comprise Wall Street millionaires and corporations seeking to control our cherished district’s political power and direction.

Research reveals that the rich typically hold distinct political values compared to the general public, especially on issues like taxation, unemployment, education, and the minimum wage. Their disproportionate influence on legislative direction, especially in matters of economic justice, makes it exceedingly challenging to enact reforms that benefit the working class and the poor.

This has led to a situation where politicians in Westchester may claim to be progressive while accepting substantial donations from GOP-funded organizations like AIPAC, effectively diverting taxpayer dollars overseas. Meanwhile, average Westchester residents grapple with high inflation, taxes, and the unaffordability of living in the very county they work in. The county’s underprivileged face homelessness, food inequity, failing schools, and wealth disparities, all within Westchester itself.

This unfair system of political financing disproportionately affects low-income individuals, women, and ethnic minorities. A specific group of affluent white men, the majority of major donors in our elections, primarily controls it. This means that ordinary people like Ray-ray, Grandma, or June Bug can’t compete with these wealthy white donors. In this system, the average working class is used for their votes, while the rich and wealthy set the political agenda. As a result, a small minority holds substantial power, making it less likely that elected officials will address the needs of low-income Black, Brown, Latino, and White communities, which contributes to the observable disparities in our cities.

I already know what the haters will say. What about the Justice Democrats? After reviewing the Justice Democrats PAC’s website, it’s evident that their content and commitment are inclusive for all Americans. AIPAC’s website prioritizes exclusivity to one agenda; as I see it, the Justice Democrats’ agenda is more inclusive to all Americans like better schools, fair trade, medical for all, a working social security system, free public college and trade school, and ensuring the average worker receives a living wage. Not just giving masses of money to candidates to support more and more of our tax dollars overseas. What raises concern is the fact that in 2022, the United States allocated over $3.3 billion in foreign assistance to Israel while pressing domestic issues like homelessness remain unaddressed, with the government often citing budget constraints.

If someone suggests lowering the allocation to $1 billion and channeling the remaining $2 billion to help disadvantaged communities within the U.S., does this automatically label them as anti-Israel? If you’re reading this and live in Mount Vernon, Yonkers, Peekskill, Ossining, or Greenburgh, wouldn’t allocating $2 billion from your tax dollars to your community be advantageous? This is a political debate concerning the control of the distribution of wealth, resources, and services, an issue that affects Black, Brown, Latino, and economically disadvantaged white Americans.

It’s essential to remember that these funds come from hard-working American taxpayers who might not see a direct return on their investment. This isn’t about being anti-Israel but rather questioning the allocation of resources in a way that serves the best interests of all Americans. The debate revolves around responsible resource allocation and ensuring that taxpayer dollars benefit both international commitments and pressing domestic needs.

When organizations like AIPAC explicitly target Black and Brown congressional candidates that address the needs of their districts, questions arise about why we allocate substantial resources overseas when many average Americans struggle to afford their rent. This further exacerbates the lack of racial diversity in public office, as candidates of color often face difficulty raising the necessary funds to run for office without access to wealthy, primarily White donors. Addressing the influence of big-money organizations is crucial to fostering a more equitable and inclusive political system in Westchester that truly represents the interests of all its residents.

The influence of wealthy special interests, as exemplified by organizations like AIPAC, is now profoundly impacting the political landscape in Westchester’s 16th Congressional District. This influence, primarily driven by affluent white individuals and corporations, shapes policy agendas and funding priorities that often do not align with the needs and interests of average Westchester residents. As a result, this system disproportionately affects low-income individuals, women, and ethnic minorities, hindering their representation in public office and exacerbating social inequalities. It is crucial to address the pervasive influence of big money organizations to create a more equitable and representative political system in Westchester.

“It’s all about the Benjamins, baby,” US Congresswoman Omar tweeted, referencing Puff Daddy’s 90s song about money. When pressed for an explanation, she clarified that she was referring to the financial influence exerted by groups like AIPAC.

In 2019, lobbyist Ady Barkan wrote AIPAC lobbyists on Capitol Hill are highly skilled. However, money plays a central role in the entire system.”

AIPAC proudly boasts on its website that it outspends any other Political Action Group in America. This excessive involvement of AIPAC in Democratic primaries, like the one in Westchester, poses a substantial obstacle to critical policies such as universal healthcare, effective climate action, and workers’ rights. When Democrats who receive funding from AIPAC label themselves as progressive, it amounts to mere political rhetoric and foolery! In reality, AIPAC opposes the very democratic principles we advocate for. Rather than promoting progress, AIPAC stands as a hindrance to the values we hold dear.

Beware of the disturbing reality: some Democrats backed by GOP millionaires are channeling millions to right-wing organizations like AIPAC while carefully selecting Democrats to primary progressive individuals of color. AIPAC, despite its connections with insurrectionist Republicans, is now openly targeting Black members of Congress, all while concealing its close ties to Republican fundraising networks. This is nothing short of accepting “blood money,” and any Democrat who embraces such funding cannot genuinely be considered progressive; they are effectively Republicans in disguise!

Their embarrassment over Trump may have driven many Westchester Republicans to vote Democratic. However, it’s becoming clear that this embarrassment may fade over time. This is evident from an incident where a Westchester AIPAC supporter sent out an email urging Republicans to change their party registrations to Democrat to vote out Congressman Jamaal Bowman. As of now, George Latimer has not publicly denounced this supporter’s actions.

The most disheartening aspect of this situation is witnessing Black, Brown, and Latino communities enthusiastically rallying behind a candidate who receives funding from organizations like GOP-funded AIPAC, which don’t have their best interests at heart and endorse policies that perpetuate oppression and inequality. As usual, after they have given their support and convened people to vote for these candidates, they have the unmitigated gall to question why their communities continue to face high crime rates, poverty, and struggling education systems.

As we approach the end of June, it’s time for those with progressive values to take a stand and be honest about what’s truly unfolding. We face a crucial choice: either we witness the emergence of a new breed of hybrid GOP Democrats, representing primarily white areas of our county and offering mere crumbs to the leadership of color throughout the county, or we see the grassroots awaken, no longer swayed by deceptive leaders who seek to maintain their positions and favors. We, the people, have the power to stand up against the GOP-led AIPAC, which has lured Democratic candidates with a bag of gold, potentially undermining the multicultural, multiracial political system that so many had hoped for – one founded on equity and fairness.

A multifaceted personality, Damon is an activist, author, and the force behind Black Westchester Magazine, a notable Black-owned newspaper based in Westchester County, New York. With a wide array of expertise, he wears many hats, including that of a Spiritual Life Coach, Couples and Family Therapy Coach, and Holistic Health Practitioner. He is well-versed in Mental Health First Aid, Dietary and Nutritional Counseling, and has significant insights as a Vegan and Vegetarian Nutrition Life Coach. Not just limited to the world of holistic health and activism, Damon brings with him a rich 32-year experience as a Law Enforcement Practitioner and stands as the New York Representative of Blacks in Law Enforcement of America.


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