Check out a special edition of Black Westchester presents the People Before Politics Radio Show, Get Out The Vote Edition with your hosts Damon K. Jones and AJ Woodson. Our guests our Congressman Jamaal Bowman and Civil Rights Attorney William O. Wagstaff who is running to be elected the First African American District Attorney of Westchester County.
Bowman and Wagstaff just received endorsements from Black Westchester, Blacks In Law Enforcement and the Westchester Corrections Association and we give you one last look at the candidates we think will be best for both offices. Check out the full interviews below
Early voting runs until Sunday, June 23rd you can vote as any voting location, see list of times and locations here and The Democratic Primary Day is Tuesday June 25th, you must vote at your regular voting place on Election Day!

Also see Former prosecutor Adeel Mirza dropped out the DA race and put his support behind William Wagstaff.
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