Wednesday June 19th 4pm in White Plains youth from various advocacy groups across Westchester County came together for a Youth Rally in support to re-elect Congressman Jamaal Bowman.
The youth met at Renessaince plaza park fountains then marched to the voting site on Quarrapos Street. After wards youth alongside adult community organizers and youth program leaders, supported Bowman’s campaign team in canvasing the local area and Mamaroneck avenue
Youth wanted to speak up and support the current congressman in light of the current county executive Latimer challenging his seat.
Youth and adult organizers chanted along the walk, “5, 6, 7, 8 Vote Bowman don’t wait!”

All photos by local youth/young adults

Amongst other chants and encouraging words youth were encouraging pedestrians and local businesses to support Congressman Bowman and his re-election. Along the way a few local businesses took flyers to distribute at their locations.