The Municipal Housing Authority for the City of Yonkers (“MHACY”) is soliciting proposals from qualified firms for Security Guard Services for MHACY at various sites as specified in this Request for Proposals (“RFP”). This RFP package contains submission requirements and terms and conditions and other pertinent information for submitting a proper and responsive proposal. This RFP is the only information provided to prospective bidders (hereinafter “Responders” or “Respondents”) and is available online starting February 14, 2025, at www.mhacy.org.
A site tour will take place on February 25, 2025, starting at 1-8 Schroder Street, Yonkers, NY at 10am. The
RFP questions deadline is February 27, 2025, at 3:00 PM Eastern Standard Time (EST). Any and all questions must be emailed to procurement@mhacy.org by the deadline. No telephone calls and/or written communication sent via mail will be accepted.
Proposals must reach MHACY no later than 3:00 PM (EST) on March 6, 2025, Late submissions will be
handled in accordance with the provisions in Form HUD-5369B. Proposals will be evaluated on the criteria stated in the RFP. Negotiations may be conducted with contractors who have a reasonable chance of being selected for the award. After evaluation of the proposal revision, if any, the contract will be awarded to the responsible firm(s) whose qualifications, price, and other factors are considered the most advantageous to MHACY.
MHACY reserves the right to reject any proposals and waive any irregularities or informalities if it is
in MHACY’s best interest to do so. MHACY reserves the right to cancel this RFP or to reject, in whole or in
part, any proposals received in response to this RFP, upon its determination that such cancellation or rejection is in the best interest of MHACY.
MHACY is an Equal Opportunity Employer and does not discriminate based on race, sexual orientation, color, national origin, sex, religion, age, disability, or family status. MHACY solicits and encourages the participation of minorities and small businesses in procurement.
Contact, related to this procurement, with members of MHACY’s Board of Commissioners, or MHACY’s
During the procurement process, officers and/or employees other than the contact person shown above could disqualify a proposal.