NAACP Statement Regarding Republican Senator Mike Lawler


Rep. Mike Lawler (R-N.Y.) at least twice in the past month has missed or sidestepped opportunities to condemn racist language in public settings, POLITICO has learned on the heels of a New York Times report that he wore blackface in college.

Three weeks ago, at a forum on combating antisemitism held north of New York City, Lawler spoke almost immediately after a participant used a racial slur for Black people, but he did not address the man’s use of the epithet, according to audio reviewed by POLITICO.

NAACP Regional Director – Mid-Hudson/Westchester Wilbur Aldridge, sent the following statement to Black Westchester.

Lawmakers must uphold the highest standards of fairness, tolerance, and unimpeachable conduct because they have the power to impact each one of our lives. On CNN, Congressman Lawler recently suggested that he was not wearing blackface in a photo taken in 2006 that has been recently released to the media, and he was sorry “if” he offended anyone.

As a century-old organization dedicated to the protection of the interests of a community that has been historically discriminated against, the Nyack and Spring Valley Branches of the NAACP, along with the Regional Director of the mid-Hudson/Westchester Branches, would like to inform the Congressman that he in fact was wearing blackface and we and the community are OFFENDED.

Further, as we condemn Mr. Lawler for his decision to wear blackface at a Halloween Party – regardless of when this party occurred – it was not a once-off, but it represents a pattern of racial insensitivity. We are particularly concerned with any evidence of racial intolerance or prejudice from any of our elected representatives. Congressman Lawler’s conduct raises serious questions about his ability to represent the people of color who live in his district, especially when coupled with his recent failure to distance
himself from stereotypical and intolerant content in his own reelection material. Here is Congressman Lawler’s disturbing pattern of racial insensitivity:

 In 2022, Lawler refused to denounce one of his racist campaign mailers, which included the images of four Black males who the campaign claimed were released without bail, despite them not being convicted of any crimes. On Oct. 15, 2022, NAACP Regional Director Wilbur Aldridge, along with Rockland County Legislator Toney Earl and Peekskill Mayor Vivienne McKenzie issued a statement, calling it a “disgusting racist mailer.”

 During this current election cycle, Lawler’s campaign released a political ad with a Black child throwing a water balloon at a white child.

 When attending a roundtable in Chappaqua on September 13, Congressman Lawler did not correct or denounce the use of the N-word and mentions of lynching by another individual in the meeting.

 Most recently, Mr. Lawler ignored a comment made by a far-right radio host that insisted that white supremacy does not exist, but Black supremacy does.

“His failure to distance himself from stereotypical and intolerant content in his own reelection materials during each of his campaigns, coupled with this black face incident from his past, represents a Disturbing pattern,” said Regional Director Aldridge. “At a time in our nation, when instances of bias and hate are on the rise. We need elected officials who repudiate such conduct, not engage in it,” he Continued. “Lawler’s conduct raises Serious questions about his ability to represent the people of color who live in
his district,” said Spring Valley NAACP President Willie Trotman.

We must reject office seekers who use racial intolerance to mobilize their base. Mr. Lawler has more than an apology to offer. To demonstrate that his behavior is limited to a decade-old transgression, he
must disavow his current biased campaign materials and while he’s at it the disturbing anti-Haitian immigrant comments of his Party’s presidential nominee.

Wilbur Aldridge, NAACP Regional Director – Mid-Hudson/Westchester
Nicole Hines, President – Nyack Branch NAACP
Willie Trotman, President – Spring Valley Branch NAACP

Lawler initially issued an apology on Thursday, describing himself as a lifelong Jackson superfan who was attempting to pay homage to the pop star. “When attempting to imitate Michael’s legendary dance moves at a college Halloween party eighteen years ago, the ugly practice of blackface was the furthest thing from my mind. Let me be clear, this is not that,” he said, adding that the costume was intended as “a genuine homage to one of my childhood idols.”

“I am a student of history and for anyone who takes offense to the photo, I am sorry,” Lawler said Thursday. “All you can do is live and learn, and I appreciate everyone’s grace along the way.”

On Friday, Lawler expanded upon his apology, telling NBC New York “Obviously, in hindsight I certainly recognize how people would portray that and be offended by it, so certainly I apologize.”

The congressman did not deny that he darkened his face for a costume in which he dressed as the singer for a 2006 Halloween party, when he was 20 years old.

“Mike Lawler knew exactly what he was doing,” said Mondaire Jones, a former U.S. Representative locked in a tight race in the state’s 17th district in the Hudson Valley against Lawler, a Republican.

AJ Woodson
AJ Woodson
AJ Woodson is the Editor-In-Chief and co-owner of Black Westchester, Host & Producer of the People Before Politics Radio Show, An Author, Journalism Fellow (Craig Newmark Graduate School of Journalism), Rap Artist - one third of the legendary underground rap group JVC FORCE known for the single Strong Island, Radio Personality, Hip-Hop Historian, Documentarian, Activist, Criminal Justice Advocate and Freelance Journalist whose byline has appeared in several print publications and online sites including The Source, Vibe, the Village Voice, Upscale,,, Rolling Out Newspaper, Daily Challenge Newspaper, Spiritual Minded Magazine, Word Up! Magazine, On The Go Magazine and several others.


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