South African lawyers file lawsuit against the U.S. and UK for complicity in Israel’s war crimes in Gaza


South African attorney Wikus Van Rensburg expressed concerns over the ongoing financial and resource support from the US to “Israel,” which effectively enabled crimes against the people of Gaza.

Nearly 50 South African lawyers, led by attorney Wikus Van Rensburg, are preparing to file a lawsuit against the United States and the United Kingdom, alleging their involvement in Israeli forces’ war crimes in Palestine, as reported by Anadolu Agency. This legal action follows South Africa’s submission of a genocide case against “Israel” at the International Court of Justice (ICJ).

Rensburg, the driving force behind this legal effort, intends to bring those complicit in the crimes to justice through civilian courts, working alongside legal professionals in the US and UK.

In an interview with Anadolu, Rensburg stressed the importance of holding the US accountable for its actions and highlighted the upcoming legal proceedings against Washington and London.

Rensburg stated, “The United States must now face consequences for the crimes it has committed. It’s time to say ‘enough is enough.'”

He referred to the lack of accountability for US actions in Iraq and emphasized the significance of addressing such issues properly.

“What occurred in Iraq serves as an example; there was no accountability for the crimes committed by the US in the Middle Eastern country because the matter was not given the necessary attention,” he pointed out.

A multifaceted personality, Damon is an activist, author, and the force behind Black Westchester Magazine, a notable Black-owned newspaper based in Westchester County, New York. With a wide array of expertise, he wears many hats, including that of a Spiritual Life Coach, Couples and Family Therapy Coach, and Holistic Health Practitioner. He is well-versed in Mental Health First Aid, Dietary and Nutritional Counseling, and has significant insights as a Vegan and Vegetarian Nutrition Life Coach. Not just limited to the world of holistic health and activism, Damon brings with him a rich 32-year experience as a Law Enforcement Practitioner and stands as the New York Representative of Blacks in Law Enforcement of America.

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