A multifaceted personality, Damon is an activist, author, and the force behind Black Westchester Magazine, a notable Black-owned newspaper based in Westchester County, New York. With a wide array of expertise, he wears many hats, including that of a Spiritual Life Coach, Couples and Family Therapy Coach, and Holistic Health Practitioner. He is well-versed in Mental Health First Aid, Dietary and Nutritional Counseling, and has significant insights as a Vegan and Vegetarian Nutrition Life Coach. Not just limited to the world of holistic health and activism, Damon brings with him a rich 32-year experience as a Law Enforcement Practitioner and stands as the New York Representative of Blacks in Law Enforcement of America.

Exclusive articles:

The Gender Hush Factor: Domestic violence is often seen as a female victim/male perpetrator problem, but the evidence demonstrates that this is a false...

In today's media, intimate partner violence (IPV) is often depicted as a gendered problem, primarily affecting women. This portrayal has shaped much of our...

 Unraveling the Mystery of Attention-Seeking Behavior: What Drives the Quest for the Attention Spotlight?

In adult behavior, there exists a phenomenon known as attention-seeking behavior, where individuals consciously or unconsciously vie for the spotlight, often in pursuit of...

BW Black Love Series: Improve Your Relationships By Loving Yourself

The one thing people who seek love rarely consider is that it all starts with YOU. How can you expect someone else to love...

The Diebities Factor: The difference in your body processing sugar in fruit than sugar in meat and processed foods

There is an overwhelming amount of information in the media suggesting that sugar harms our health and that we should avoid all types of...

The Surprising Truth About What Happens When You Drink One Percent More Water

If you’re trying to lose weight or eat healthier, drinking a little more water could make a big difference. A recent study found that...


From Temptation to Transformation: Navigating Social Events with Healthier Choices

Public gatherings used to be my downfall when it...

Betrayal or Caution? California Democrats Accused of Sabotaging Own Reparations Bills

In a controversial move that has ignited protests and...
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